CSA Research > About Us > Arle Lommel

Arle Lommel

I am a senior analyst and director of data produces with CSA Research. I specialize in all things artificial intelligence (AI), machine translation (MT), and quality, and in the economic value of languages to deliver trusted advisory services to global enterprises and language service providers.

What I Cover

My research emphasizes the economic value that language services offer to organizations of all types in furthering their business goals. This includes both direct ROI from language support to indirect benefits such as customer loyalty and reduced support costs. I also closely follow the ways that AI and MT contribute to deepening customer journeys and improving brand relationships. I also emphasize the role that translation quality plays in avoiding risk, both to the public and to organizations and how organizations can use this understanding to select the best approach to their global content needs

My Background

After obtaining a BA in linguistics in 1997, I began working for the now-defunct Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA), where I headed up standards development and worked on quality assessment models. At the same time, I completed a PhD in ethnographic research at Indiana University in 2011. In 2012 I began work for the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Berlin, Germany, where I headed up development of the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) system for quality evaluation and worked on various EU and German government-funded projects. In 2015 I returned to the United States and began working for CSA Research in January 2016. In my life I have lived in Alaska, Utah, Indiana, Hungary, and Germany. I speak English, Hungarian, and German, as well as bits and pieces of many other languages.

My Ethics

I adhere to CSA Research’s ethic code. I try to ensure that my advice is accurate, unbiased, and tailored to the needs of whomever I am interacting with. If I do not know the answer to a question or am speculating, I will tell you so that you know whether my statement is backed up by research or should be confirmed with further investigation.

Outside of the Office

When not at work, I spend my time playing various musical instruments (especially hurdy-gurdies and non-Scottish bagpipes), reading nautical fiction, and recreating historical clothing. I currently reside in Bloomington, Indiana, where I enjoy spending time hiking and participating in local choirs.

Contact Me

You can reach me via direct message on LinkedIn or Skype.