2020 will always be in my memory as the worst and the best year of the 40 years of thebigword. Worst, obviously due to the human cost, people losing their lives, uncertainty regarding their livelihoods, furloughs and layoffs. The best of 2020; amazing can-do approach by the team at thebigword, payback for all the investments we have made in technology, allowing us to continue with our interpreting services through video remote interpreting, the coming to maturity of Machine Translation and the amazing effect that AI has on our workflow, which has contributed enormously to our increase in profits. Looking forward, of course is the vaccine. Although, the real benefits of the vaccine, I don’t believe will be enjoyed until the spring, it’s great to have something to look forward to. We are seeing a huge increase in our translation business and also enjoying the success that video remote interpreting is having in court rooms, hospitals, and elsewhere whilst maintaining measures to protect our linguists. In 2021 the offices as we knew them will change forever. A hybrid of working from home and working from our collaboration centres (the new name for our offices) will be the new normal, giving the majority of our staff reduced travel, flexibility, and yet still the opportunity to meet colleagues in our collaboration centres and an ongoing reduction in our carbon footprint.
January, 2021
Read 2020 statement