Planning and Budgeting During Uncertainty

Planning and Budgeting During Uncertainty

Research by Use Case / For Global Enterprises / Planning and Budgeting During Uncertainty

Fast-Track Global Growth

Planning and Budgeting with Data


Global uncertainty makes planning and budgeting very difficult for businesses looking for ways to maintain or increase growth.

CSA Research’s data-based tools detail the markets and languages that will bring faster and more profitable growth in 2024 and beyond.

This year’s strategic planning and budgeting represents a golden opportunity for localization managers to win over executives on the significance of globalization investment as an engine of global growth during uncertainty.

Explore our eight (8) data tools and set your company up for global success!


Client? Access budgeting-related research

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Budgeting during Uncertainty

Which Global Data Tools Are Right for You?



Economic Atlas of Language

Find out which languages deliver more ROI

With 120 economically significant languages in 208 countries, it can be tough to know which languages you need and what they are worth. But the decision can be easy when you base your go-to market strategy on data.

Learn more



Global Revenue Forecaster

Predict the ROI of localization

The Global Revenue Forecaster™ delivers predictive business analytics tailored to your company’s business and verticals to estimate potential revenue from additional languages.

  • Estimate the ROI from adding languages, countries, or both.
  • Identify the markets with the greatest potential.
  • Uncover the untapped growth potential of languages.
  • Increase and validate international expansion budgets.

Learn more



Global Customer Experience Calculator - B2C

Attract and retain global customers

Leverage data on the behavior of over 10,000 global consumers in 33 countries to determine at which CX stage you are losing customers and prospects, optimize your website’s global customer journey, and drive your customer engagement strategy for markets around the world.

Learn more



Global Customer Experience Calculator - B2B

Attract and retain global customers

Benchmark your localization against the purchasing preferences of over 1000 business buyers in 28 markets to empower your business to optimize global customer engagement, identify gaps in global customer experience, and drive strategic growth based on meticulously validated research.

Learn more



Global Language Benchmarker

Benchmark your site’s language support

Gain insights into how your website’s language support stacks up against your peers with the Global Language Benchmarker. Discover which languages you need to offer to be competitive, stand out from the crowd, and please your global customers.

Learn more


Top LSPs Ranking Dashboard

Explore the language service leaders

Our rankings of the largest language service providers from 2019 to 2023. Listed companies have verified the data and approved its publishing.

Learn more

Arle Lommel
Senior Analyst
Arle Lommel

Arle Lommel

Senior Analyst

Arle Lommel has over 25 years of experience in localization, language technology, and AI

As a CSA Research analyst, he helps clients understand the impact of technology on translation quality and the role of language professionals.

He provides guidance on human-machine collaboration and industry trends. Arle also explores how AI is shaping the future of globalization and multilingual communication.

Get to know Arle and explore his research and expertise.


Are you including Generative AI in your 2024 planning?

Explore our GenAi research

Set Up Your Company for Global Upside


  • Raise and maintain globalization team visibility.
  • Create windows of opportunity for localization to thrive.
  • Increase your localization budget in 2023.
  • Become an engine of growth for your company in 2023 and beyond.
  • Prove the ROI of globalization.
  • Demonstrate the opportunity cost of adding or dropping languages.
  • Client? Read more budgeting-related research

    Not a client? Get in touch 




Understand and Leverage Global Consumer Data

  • Drive global business decisions.
  • Build global initiatives.
  • Rethink your company’s global expansion.
  • Successfully reach more markets.
  • Make the ROI case for delivering localized user interfaces and product content.

Read our blog





Use Business Analytics to Plan and Budget Global Strategies




Free Resources

Platform Providers Target the Language Industry

Platform providers such as Alibaba, Amazon, Baidu, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft continue pouring money and people-hours into harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive machine learning capabilities throughout their products and services.  

Read More

Knowledge Base Content Is Part of Global CX, Too

Based on extensive interviews with 36 global firms about how they create and manage multilingual KB content, here are four guidelines to enable your customer support, knowledge management, and localization teams to better meld your company’s KB experience into the global customer journey.

Read More












Related Research

These reports can also help you on your growth journey. If you're already a client, read them today! 

Not a client yet? Get in Touch.


Demonstrating the Value of Localization

Localization teams facing challenging conditions often need to justify their activities and even their existence. Eight slides from CSA Research contain critical information to use and adapt in your presentations to senior management to demonstrate the value of localization and show why it is an essential activity for modern enterprises.


Seize the Day for Localization

This report discusses four scenarios where localization groups may find themselves, ranging from one in which the organization is frozen in panic through to another in which localization has a chance to take a leadership role and guide other groups to deal with challenges more effectively.


Calculating the ROI of Localization

Determining realistic projections for the return on investment (ROI) from localization can challenge even companies with highly mature international content teams.





Strategic Planning for Globalization

Strategic planning is about much more than simply figuring out your budget for next year. It’s one of the best opportunities to win over executives and colleagues on what globalization investment for your company should look like going forward.




Drive Global Digital Transformation

The localization team is a critical repository of the expertise needed to transform these initiatives into comprehensive ones, but they often lack the mandate, resources, and playbook to take on this role.



How Deeply Should You Localize?

This report addresses how to define depth of localization and how deeply organizations localize, with an emphasis on the role of site size and number of languages in this decision and why organizations treat languages differently.


Multilingual Digital Opportunity: 2022

This report will help readers analyze the relative value of the top online languages, either in terms of economic potential, number of online speakers, or the per-capita income they have at their disposal. It will also support them to formulate language strategies that return the maximum value for their organizations.


Regional Digital Opportunity: 2022

A companion to “Multilingual Digital Opportunity: 2022,” this report provides readers with access to the top languages for 31 global regions and subregions. For each of them, it delivers the online GDP (eGDP) – CSA Research’s proprietary measure of the online value of languages – as well as the number of online speakers.