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May 2024
CSA Research has revisited the CEOs of the leading 102 Language Service Providers (LSPs) for the 13th time to inquire about any changes in their business plans and perceptions since the last surveys.
February 2024
CSA Research has revisited the CEOs of the leading 112 Language Service Providers (LSPs) for the 12th time to inquire about any changes in their business plans and perceptions since the last surveys.
October 2023
CSA Research has revisited the CEOs of the leading 112 Language Service Providers (LSPs) for the 11th time to inquire about any changes in their business plans and perceptions since the last surveys.
July 2023
CSA Research has revisited the CEOs of the leading 96 Language Service Providers (LSPs) for the 10th time to inquire about any changes in their business plans and perceptions since the last surveys.
December to January 2022
CSA Research has revisited the CEOs of the leading 97 Language Service Providers (LSPs) for the ninth time to inquire about any changes in their business plans and perceptions since the last surveys.
August 2022
CSA Research went back to the CEOs of the top 126 LSPs for a eight time to ask how their perceptions and business plans have changed since the previous surveys.
December 2021
CSA Research went back to the CEOs of the top 93 LSPs for a seventh time ask how their perceptions and business plans have changed since the previous surveys.
September 7, 2021
CSA Research went back to the CEOs of the top 193 LSPs for a sixth time ask how their perceptions and business plans have changed since the previous surveys.
May 19, 2021
The fifth survey of the CEOs of the top 193 LSPs asked how their perceptions and business plans have changed.
February 10, 2021
CSA Research went back to the CEOs of the top 193 LSPs for a fourth time to ask how their perceptions and business plans have changed.
August 12, 2020
CSA Research went back to the CEOs of the top 193 LSPs for a third time to ask how their perceptions and business plans have changed since the first two surveys.
May 26, 2020
CSA Research went back to the CEOs of the top 193 LSPs to ask how their perceptions and business plans have changed since we surveyed them in March.
March 31, 2020
Although it is too early to assess the full impact of COVID-19, CSA Research has surveyed the CEOs of the Top 193 LSPs to check the current pulse of the industry. We share the results from 124 CEOs in four categories.
April 2023
CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide for the seventh time to see how global conditions have affected them as providers of language services.
December 2023
CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide for the eight time to see how global conditions have affected them as providers of language services.
August to September 2022
CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide for the sixth time to see how global conditions have affected them as providers of language services.
February to March 2022
CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide a fifth time to see how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect them as providers of language services.
July to August 2021
CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide a fourth time to see how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect them as providers of language services.
Feb 12, 2021
CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide a third time to see how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect them as providers of language services.
Aug 24, 2020
CSA Research again surveyed freelance linguists worldwide to see how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect them as providers of language services.
APRIL 20, 2020
CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide to see how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them as providers of language services.
CSA Research surveyed technology companies to see how COVID-19 affects their business.
September 15, 2020
CSA Research surveyed enterprises worldwide for a second time to see how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting them as buyers of language services.
April 30, 2020
CSA Research surveyed enterprises worldwide to see how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them as buyers of language services and technology.
August 14, 2020
CSA Research re-surveyed companies based in China to see how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them as providers of language services and technology.
May 1, 2020
CSA Research surveyed companies based in China to see how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them as providers of language services and technology.
These five companies are providing free remote working tools.
Tableau has created a free Covid19 Data Resource Hub to help you make confident decisions with data.
MasterWord Services is sharing a complimentary online Infection Control training developed specifically for interpreters; however, this information is relevant for everyone.
Published by the Translation Bureau of Canada, this lexicon includes official French<>English terms for translating and interpreting during the pandemic.