How has COVID-19 affected your business as of today?
How long do you expect COVID-19 to affect your business?
Rank the following issues from most important (1) to least important (7).
How has your content mix shifted since COVID-19 began?
What do you expect to happen to upcoming releases for products, services, or programs that were planned prior to the start of COVID-19?
What do you expect to happen to your language spend over the next 12 months?
For each period, choose the top criterion when purchasing language services.
Have new groups or functions turned to your team for language or other services since COVID-19 started?
Are you confident in the ability of your language service supplier(s) to meet your COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 requirements?
Which of the following options have you implemented or plan to implement?
What measures related to language services have you implemented so far, or do you expect to?