Plan International Strategy

Plan International Strategy

Research by Use Case / For Global Enterprises / Plan International Strategy

Create successful strategies that work across your whole organization and drive global growth. 


As your organization expands internationally, you face difficult choices about your strategies for adding languages, not the least of which is selecting the right languages. There’s then the challenge of how deeply you localize. Your internal teams want guidelines and data to help them decide which materials to translate and how much. Underpinning all these choices is the desire to attract – and keep – new customers. To do all of this requires data and experience-driven planning. Below you'll find a list of key research to get you started on developing the international strategy that’s best for your business.

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Strategic Planning for Globalization
Strategic planning is about much more than simply figuring out your budget for next year. It’s one of the best opportunities to win over executives and colleagues on what globalization investment for your company should look like going forward. Whether your firm plans to pull back, tread water, or move full steam ahead in light of the pandemic each scenario will create windows of opportunity for localization to thrive based on an effective strategic plan.
ROI of Customer Engagement
Consumers and businesspeople have more choices than ever before. With rare exceptions, they can buy whatever they want, from wherever they want, whenever they want. All that typically stands in the way of their getting what they want is their ability to pay – and the willingness of the seller to meet them on their terms. This report dissects the global customer journey and provides a framework for establishing a return on investment for the localization required by the seller to meet those buyer's terms.  
Local versus Global Language Strategies

As organizations expand internationally, they face difficult choices about their strategies for adding languages. This report examines the dominant approaches adopted by leading brands headquartered in six geographical regions and in 28 vertical sectors.  LSPs can use the data to improve their market segmentation efforts and to elevate discussions with clients concerning language choice.


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Pragmatic Global Content Strategy

Digital marketers, localization managers, and corporate planners want guidelines and data to help them decide which materials to translate and how much to translate. This report answers that question. Marketing and localization practitioners will learn how to: apply domestic market discipline to global rollouts; validate domestic marketing profiles for global use; develop customer journey maps; audit and categorize content for local markets; establish content tiering criteria based on hard data; and identify and document success metrics.


What Should We Localize, and How Deep Should We Go?

Revenue from emerging markets represents sizable chunks of total revenue for many companies nowadays. The nature of documentation is changing as more and more of it is accessed through the cloud and made available via mobile. At the same time, localized content volumes continue to grow as higher numbers of languages are delivered at much faster rates than in the past.


Market Entry Decisions
Each choice to invest in a language is part of a complex decision to enter a new market or increase support for an existing one. Companies now face these decisions with increasing frequency, speed, and scope. Strategic planners need a structured process for when to consider a market for entry, how to assess the potential return on investment (ROI), and whether to add language support. This report shows localization managers and their internal constituents how to develop a formalized process and outlines what types of data are available, where to find them, and how to use them to make better decisions about when and how much to localize.
Rebecca Ray
Director of Buyers Service
Rebecca Ray

Rebecca Ray

Director of Buyers Service

Rebecca Ray specializes in global digital transformation, enterprise globalization, and localization maturity.

She helps organizations navigate international markets by optimizing product development, social media, and multilingual strategies.

With deep expertise in transcreation, crowdsourcing, and internationalization, she provides insights into scaling businesses globally.

Get to know Rebecca and explore her research and expertise.


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