Understand Buyer Needs

Understand Buyer Needs

Research by Use Case / For LSPs / Understand Buyer Needs

Get the inside scoop on buyers of language services

to target them most effectively. 

Understanding your buyers is key to growing your business. Whether you’re focusing on a new vertical or tailoring your offerings to upsell existing clients, you need industry data to do it effectively. Below you’ll find research that can help you target specific markets, benchmark yourself against the industry, better understand the purchase process from the buyer’s perspective, and get insights into the different maturity levels of buyers in the market.

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Additional research to understand your buyers:

How Enterprises Buy Translation Services

Whether at home or at work, expectations for making a purchase are changing. From ordering food to buying a car: online services, automation, and process simplification are happening in all areas of life. To evaluate how such trends are affecting the language industry, CSA Research ran a survey with buyers of translation services across a broad range of vertical markets, company size, and localization maturity. Executives and sales managers should carefully examine the data in this report for potential areas of change – and opportunity – for their company.

The Future of Language Services

Every year, CSA Research charts the future for language services in the context of technology advancements and global content trends. Early 2020 was no exception, but then the pandemic happened and made us question whether the overall principles we had outlined for the evolution of language services remain valid. Upon further analysis, we determined that the core principles driving industry transformation won’t change but that COVID-19 presents another set of challenges and requirements to consider in long-term planning. This report presents guidance for language services providers to rethink what kind of company they want to be – and the steps it will take to get there.

Localization Maturity Model: Release 3.0
You can’t meet today’s global market expectations or outpace local competitors with old-school practices. A more demanding business landscape requires more responsive localization. Sophisticated procedures and behaviors that previously characterized more advanced levels of performance have become basic enablers for earlier stages of localization maturity.
Managers and directors with new responsibility for globalization, as well as their more experienced colleagues, will learn why it is urgent for their teams to advance more quickly through the phases of localization maturity. They will also understand how to do so. 
Rebecca Ray
Director of Buyers Service
Rebecca Ray

Rebecca Ray

Director of Buyers Service

Rebecca Ray specializes in global digital transformation, enterprise globalization, and localization maturity.

She helps organizations navigate international markets by optimizing product development, social media, and multilingual strategies.

With deep expertise in transcreation, crowdsourcing, and internationalization, she provides insights into scaling businesses globally.

Get to know Rebecca and explore her research and expertise.


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