Buying and Selling Translation

Buying and Selling Translation

Featured Content / For LSPs / Translation Pricing Research

Is the way we buy and sell translation fundamentally changing?

Since 2019 CSA Resarch has vigorously followed pricing trends in the language service sector, and it is clear that changes in the way consumers purchase goods and services is also impacting how enterprises make purchases. 

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What new pricing models should I look out for? 

The data shows that large global enterprises are most likely to consider a subscription-type pricing model, but all buyers of language services are open to simplified pricing that includes everything – even technology – within the rate.

How are procurement departments affecting these decisions?

Of the 563 global enterprises surveyed in 2020, more than a third work with a procurement or purchasing department when buying translation and selecting language service vendors. Most respondents who said they work with their procurement team came from the largest enterprises (US $1billion+ in revenue).

But these are not the only companies likely to be using the Source-to-Pay (S2P) model for their company purchases – these platforms are available for all size companies wishing to optimize their supply chains. Both localization departments and language service providers will need to find out how S2P software categorizes language services.


  • What should I be paying for translation? Can I benchmark my prices?
  • What is the likelihood that pricing models are going to change?
  • How can I simplify my translation purchases?
  • I’m an LSP. Should I be changing my pricing model?
  • What about machine translation or project management; how much should I be paying?
  • How are changes in supply chain management affecting the purchase of translation?
  • I work in a localization department and struggle to work with the procurement team. How do I get them on my side?
  • As a buyer of language services, how can I help my company to optimize our supply chain?

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The Pricing Research Series Reports

  • All Reports
  • Global Enterprise Reports
  • LSP Reports

Translation Rates and Fees: 2021

March 16, 2021

Translation Rates and Fees: 2021

Over 650 datapoints on translation rates to help buyers and sellers of translation better understand the range of rates in the market.


Buying Translation Services

January 20, 2021

Buying Translation Services

The way consumers buy is changing. Find out how this is transforming the language services industry and how it affects buyers of language services.


How Enterprises Buy Translation Services

January 20, 2021

How Enterprises Buy Translation Services

Insights from 550 organizations on how they procure translation services, highlighting areas of potential change and opportunity for LSPs.


How Popular are Per-Word Pricing Models?

January 13, 2021

How Popular are Per-Word Pricing Models?

Are language industry pricing models changing? See data to help evaluate your purchasing strategy, along with an analysis of alternative methods for buying language services.


What Buyers Think About LSP Pricing Models

January 13, 2021

What Buyers Think About LSP Pricing Models

Enterprises often struggle to compare quotes from multiple LSPs because pricing models are inconsistent. Rethink pricing strategies based on buyer expectations.


The Future of Language Services Pricing

October 9, 2019

The Future of Language Services Pricing

Ever wondered if the language services market will leave per-word pricing behind? Data to help LSPs gauge the state of pricing and assess changes likely to affect them.


Working with Multiple Agencies

June 11, 2019

Working with Multiple Agencies

If you work with a multi-layered supply chain, including marketing agencies and LSPs, learn best practices and guidance for consistent style, quality, and global branding.


Managing Multiple LSPs for Global Brand Support

April 17, 2019

Managing Multiple LSPs for Global Brand Support

Best practices and guidance for working with multiple LSPs to reap the intended benefits of a multivendor approach: consistency, quality, and timeliness.


Procurement: Friend or Foe?

March 13, 2019

Procurement: Friend or Foe?

Better understand the role of the sourcing team, strengthen the partnership, and understand where these specialists can help – it is not all about RFPs.


How to Engage Global Procurement as Your Ally

December 5, 2018

How to Engage Global Procurement as Your Ally

Gain insights for developing a strong and profitable relationship with global procurement people, while strengthening support for all business buyers within enterprises.


How to Win the High-Stakes RFP Game

April 25, 2016

How to Win the High-Stakes RFP Game

The best practices for language service providers to win new business and secure repeat work through requests for proposals (RFPs).


LSP Pricing Strategies

April 25, 2016

LSP Pricing Strategies

Competition in the language services market is fierce. Learn how to develop solid pricing and quoting strategies to predictably win business and grow in a controlled manner.


Translation Rates and Fees: 2021

March 16, 2021

Translation Rates and Fees: 2021

Over 650 datapoints on translation rates to help buyers and sellers of translation better understand the range of rates in the market.


Buying Translation Services

January 20, 2021

Buying Translation Services

The way consumers buy is changing. Find out how this is transforming the language services industry and how it affects buyers of language services.


How Popular are Per-Word Pricing Models?

January 13, 2021

How Popular are Per-Word Pricing Models?

Are language industry pricing models changing? See data to help evaluate your purchasing strategy, along with an analysis of alternative methods for buying language services.


Working with Multiple Agencies

June 11, 2019

Working with Multiple Agencies

If you work with a multi-layered supply chain, including marketing agencies and LSPs, learn best practices and guidance for consistent style, quality, and global branding.


Managing Multiple LSPs for Global Brand Support

April 17, 2019

Managing Multiple LSPs for Global Brand Support

Best practices and guidance for working with multiple LSPs to reap the intended benefits of a multivendor approach: consistency, quality, and timeliness.


Procurement: Friend or Foe?

March 13, 2019

Procurement: Friend or Foe?

Better understand the role of the sourcing team, strengthen the partnership, and understand where these specialists can help – it is not all about RFPs.


Translation Rates and Fees: 2021

March 16, 2021

Translation Rates and Fees: 2021

Over 650 datapoints on translation rates to help buyers and sellers of translation better understand the range of rates in the market.


How Enterprises Buy Translation Services

January 20, 2021

How Enterprises Buy Translation Services

Insights from 550 organizations on how they procure translation services, highlighting areas of potential change and opportunity for LSPs.


What Buyers Think About LSP Pricing Models

January 13, 2021

What Buyers Think About LSP Pricing Models

Enterprises often struggle to compare quotes from multiple LSPs because pricing models are inconsistent. Rethink pricing strategies based on buyer expectations.


The Future of Language Services Pricing

October 9, 2019

The Future of Language Services Pricing

Ever wondered if the language services market will leave per-word pricing behind? Data to help LSPs gauge the state of pricing and assess changes likely to affect them.


How to Engage Global Procurement as Your Ally

December 5, 2018

How to Engage Global Procurement as Your Ally

Gain insights for developing a strong and profitable relationship with global procurement people, while strengthening support for all business buyers within enterprises.


How to Win the High-Stakes RFP Game

April 25, 2016

How to Win the High-Stakes RFP Game

The best practices for language service providers to win new business and secure repeat work through requests for proposals (RFPs).


LSP Pricing Strategies

April 25, 2016

LSP Pricing Strategies

Competition in the language services market is fierce. Learn how to develop solid pricing and quoting strategies to predictably win business and grow in a controlled manner.

Rebecca Ray
Director of Buyers Service
Rebecca Ray

Rebecca Ray

Director of Buyers Service

Rebecca Ray specializes in global digital transformation, enterprise globalization, and localization maturity.

She helps organizations navigate international markets by optimizing product development, social media, and multilingual strategies.

With deep expertise in transcreation, crowdsourcing, and internationalization, she provides insights into scaling businesses globally.

Get to know Rebecca and explore her research and expertise.


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