General market conditions are no more favorable in 2024 than they were in 2023. Obviously, high-interest rates, persistent inflation, two major wars, and global economic stagnation are not generally favorable for a sector like ours. However, we managed to grow in the lower double digits in 2023 and are onboarding many promising accounts. Clearly, the “cliff” that many non-industry actors have predicted has not happened. Overall, we are cautiously optimistic for 2024 and our realistic prediction is moderate organic growth. Three things will be on my radar in 2024:
1- GenAI vs. MT: Specifically, how GenAI will be adopted by LSPs and clients in 2024. Is this the year of a more “systematic” adoption of GenAI and how it will change our workflow? There is still a discrepancy between this amazing technology and the reality of our workflows as well as the quality expectations of our clients.
2- M&A: We have seen a drop in the multiples in 2023. Will this materialize with an increase in the activity? We believe so. In the second half of 2024, we will resume our efforts to find smaller targets with a good company culture fit and added-value geography and/or services. In general, I think LSPs will look for language companies outside traditional sectors.
3- Workflow automation: Workflows within LSPs still rely heavily on humans and our industry will implement ways to get things done faster with more automation in 2024.
Our industry has proven to be extremely resilient and given the size of the market, there will be both growth and profitability opportunities.
More than ever, we need to double down on our agility, broaden our business offerings, and simultaneously tackle multiple business challenges. The “business as usual" mentality must be left behind.
January 2023
Read January 2023 statement
Read July 2022 statement
Read January 2022 statement