How has COVID-19 affected your business as of today?
How long do you expect COVID-19 to have this effect on your revenue?
Select the statement that best reflects your view about how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect the language services and technology market.
Rate your degree of concern with the following issues. Respondents were asked to rate these issues from “Not concerned at all” to “Very concerned.” This chart shows only the issues for which they responded, “Very concerned.”
How has your content mix shifted since COVID-19 began?
What do you expect to happen to upcoming releases for products, services, or programs that were planned prior to the start of COVID-19?
What do you expect to happen to your language spend over the next 12 months?
Have new groups or functions turned to your team for language or other services since COVID-19 started?
Which of the following options have you implemented or plan to implement? Select all that apply.