14 Translation Management Solutions and Services that Enable Global Businesses to Deliver Effective Multilingual Customer Experiences - CSA Research > Blogs & Events > CSA in the Media > Press Releases

14 Translation Management Solutions and Services that Enable Global Businesses to Deliver Effective Multilingual Customer Experiences

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(BOSTON) -- Companies searching for the best solution to their language management needs have many options today - from a combined technology and services offering delivered by a single language services provider (LSP), to standalone software products integrated with services delivered by a multitude of LSPs. Within this environment, a translation management system (TMS) is an integral part of language processes for many enterprises today. Combined with machine (MT) and human translation, augmented by AI and machine learning, and whether cloud-based or on premise – or hosted by a language services and technology provider – a TMS is a standard part of the localization-mature company’s infrastructure. It brings together the components that make up the enterprise language management architecture and enables an effective global customer experience.

CSA Research’s language technology-focused research reports are designed to guide organizations in a streamlined evaluation process, whether they want to verify that an existing TMS still meets their needs, are benchmarking alternatives, or are investigating translation technology for the first time. The firm’s most recent research series covers the complex enterprise use case for translation management solutions and examines the technology stack for global businesses and their multitude of diverse stakeholder requirements.

“Tools and processes for managing languages are evolving rapidly due to advances in machine learning, automation, and rapidly evolving machine translation,” comments Dr. Arle Lommel, senior analyst at CSA Research. “What we find is that many organizations are stuck with out of date technology due to inertia, the need to maintain compatibility with customized systems, or the sheer immensity of the effort required to switch.”

Research Methodology

This research series is based on in-depth interviews with the providers of 14 translation management solutions and 14 enterprise buyers to validate the enterprise use case, and CSA Research’s extensive interactions with buyers and users of translation management technology through reliable quantitative and qualitative research analysis, advisory engagements and research-based consulting with global companies.

Report Series

The first two reports in CSA Research’s multi-part series on language technology and services for global businesses cover services and solutions from Argos Multilingual, Lilt, Memsource, memoQ, RWS (three solutions), Smartcat, Smartling, Transifex, Transperfect, Welocalize, Wordbee, and XTM International.

“It’s important to implement a language management solution that fits your business needs today, can scale for the future, and embraces automation,” comments CSA Research’s senior analyst Alison Toon. “Once a solution is in place it is time-consuming and costly to replace. There are many options for managing your language needs but no one-size-fits-all technology or service. This research series vets these solutions for you, based on the differing requirements for Enterprise, Startup, Multimedia, and Regulated Industry buyers and varying levels of content complexity within these organizations.”

The series is comprised of the following published and forthcoming reports:


Related TMS Research

For more information on the research series, visit csa-research.com.

About CSA Research

CSA Research, formerly Common Sense Advisory, is the leading independent market research company helping global companies profitably grow their global businesses and gain access to new markets and new customers. Its focus is to provide its clients with reliable market research and verified data to operationalize, benchmark, optimize, and innovate industry best practices in globalization, internationalization, localization, interpreting, and translation. http://www.csa-research.com | @CSA_Research


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