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CSA Research Unveils New Insights on Gender and Family Dynamics in the Language Services Sector

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Boston, November 8, 2023 – CSA Research, the premier market research firm specializing in the language services and technology industry, announces the release of the results of its study of gender and family-related workplace issues in the language sector. 

Based on a comprehensive survey of 2,854 language service professionals, “Gender and Family in the Language Services Industry 2023” updates and expands upon the firm’s 2017 study, offering a detailed analysis of how gender and family responsibilities intersect with employment in this sector. The survey, conducted from December 2022 to June 2023, provides a nuanced look at pay equity, career advancement, and work-life balance through the lens of gender.

Key insights from the report include:

  • Pay Equity Progress: While equal pay for equal work is widely reported, a gender pay gap remains, with male language workers earning approximately one-third more than their female counterparts globally. The gap varies significantly by region, with Europe showing the largest disparity. However, there has been a notable reduction in the pay gap since 2017.
  • Career Aspirations Aligned: Men and women in the industry share similar career priorities, valuing job fulfillment, flexibility, and salary above other factors. Remote and hybrid work options are highly prized, while traditional benefits are less influential in career decisions.
  • Divergent Feedback Trends: The type of feedback received by employees differs by gender, with women more frequently encouraged to assert themselves and men advised to enhance team collaboration and independence.
  • Caregiving Responsibilities: Care for dependents is a common responsibility for both genders, with nearly equal percentages of men and women juggling work and caregiving. Freelance men are more likely to take on caregiving roles than freelance women.
  • Perceived Barriers: Women report feeling more constrained by gender and parenthood in their careers, whereas men express concerns about educational background. Overall, age and experience are the most cited limitations for career advancement for both genders.
  • Promotion Rates Decline: The frequency of promotions has significantly decreased since 2017, with both men and women experiencing an average of 0.8 promotions at their current employer, down from over 2.9 in 2017—a likely consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption.

The full report is available for free under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, encouraging widespread use and the development of derivative works. CSA Research conducted this survey pro bono, with support from industry partners including Argos Multilingual, Latamways, Masterword, OXO, and Women in Localization, to foster industry-wide understanding and improvement.

About CSA Research

CSA Research is the premier market research firm specializing in the language services and technology industry. It provides primary data and insight to assist companies with planning, brand strategy, innovation, competitive positioning, and better understanding of global markets. An independent market research company, its trusted and verified data helps companies profitably grow their international businesses and gain access to new markets and new customers. csa-research.com


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