Global Growth of Travel and Leisure Industry Means Big Business Opportunities for Translation Companies - CSA Research > Blogs & Events > CSA in the Media > Press Releases

Global Growth of Travel and Leisure Industry Means Big Business Opportunities for Translation Companies

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(BOSTON) – October 2015 -- Travel and leisure (T&L) is one of the world’s largest industry sectors. It generated US$7.6 trillion in 2014 and, according to World Travel & Tourism Council, the industry’s contribution to global GDP demonstrates an enduring ability to generate economic growth and create jobs at a faster rate than the global economy. This global boom means big business opportunity for language services providers (LSPs).

A new report by independent market research firm, Common Sense Advisory (CSA Research), “How Travel and Leisure Companies Buy Translation,” documents the special translation and localization needs and requirements of T&L companies. It is based on analysis of 56 LSP websites that showcase travel and leisure expertise and interviews with 18 corporate buyers and LSPs that specialize in this vertical.

Companies interested in targeting this industry or growing their business in this vertical can use the research to benchmark their current activities, identify additional revenue opportunities, and refine their service offerings. Adds report lead analyst, Rebecca Ray, “Travelers visit 22 sites on average before booking accommodations. They contribute more than 80 entries to TripAdvisor every minute. These activities present golden opportunities for translation companies because huge volumes of this content must be delivered by travel companies in multiple languages.”

The 43-page report includes:

  • Eight revenue opportunities for LSPs in the T&L sector
  • How to apply CSA Research’s Localization Maturity Model to efficiently segment and target travel sub-sectors
  • Seven trends related to T&L’s multilingual content
  • How to deploy a strong T&L marketing strategy and sales approach
  • Top global tourist destinations and which countries send the most tourists abroad
  • Plus multilingual automation challenges, organic search result tips, and content tiering strategies

How Travel and Leisure Companies Buy Translation” is available as a part of CSA Research membership. For more information, download the report's abstract, which includes the complete table of contents.

About Common Sense Advisory

Common Sense Advisory is an independent market research company helping companies profitably grow their international businesses and gain access to new markets. It specializes in best practices for translation, localization, interpreting, globalization, and internationalization.


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Contact: Melissa C. Gillespie, 760-522-4362,


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