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Are you creating your first tender for language services? Or, perhaps you are a translation or localization manager hoping to improve your current RFP procedure. Our research shows that language services buyers often fail to craft their proposals in ways that allow them to obtain the information they need to be able to evaluate comparable services from prospective suppliers. It also demonstrates that most buyers don’t recognize the huge opportunity to use RFPs as a strategic tool to push globalization forward at their organizations. Come learn 12 ways you can make your RFP work harder for you and six specific areas where you can improve your RFP documents and processes. We will share research from a detailed review of 91 RFP templates and in-depth interviews with buyers and providers, based on one of our most recent reports, “How to Write Requests for Proposals.”
Director of Buyers Service
Focuses on global digital transformation, enterprise globalization, localization maturity, social media, global product development, crowdsourcing, transcreation, and internationalization
Webinar, For Buyers