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Moving events online can have one particularly positive outcome: It becomes easier to provide sign language or captioning for deaf, deafened, or hard of hearing persons as well as for individuals who are not native speakers of English. For example, your Chinese or German attendees may love to be able to follow along with on-screen text in English in case they miss some nuances. Our analyst will explain captioning performed by professionals either in real-time or offline. We’ll also discuss sign language interpreting. In the background, US Translation Company will provide live captioning services and a sign language interpreter. This webinar will organizations to integrate such services to increase accessibility of their virtual meetings.
This webinar is open to both members and non-members. Attendees must register with a corporate email address. Please follow the link to register.
Link to register:
Director of LSP Service
Focuses on LSP business management, strategic planning, sales and marketing strategy and execution, project and vendor management, quality process development, and interpreting technologies
Webinar, Buyers, Open Access