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The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged many LSPs’ ability to grow. In a January 2021 survey, we found that 44% of LSPs ranked in our lists experienced a setback in 2020. Yet, they are overall optimistic about 2021 as they are planning for an average increase of 18%. The big question is how they are going to achieve that. To assist LSPs with the shift to digital-first and enable more providers to resume successful growth, CSA Research developed an add-on series to its popular Sales Cookbook. We designed it specifically to help LSP executives and growth managers make the leap to remote and sell proactively in 2D settings. It’s called the “Digital Growth Cookbook. This webinar will introduce this new series and helps you plan how to leverage it. As Chef Gusteau in Disney’s Ratatouille movie famously stated: “Anyone can cook. With our cookbook series, CSA Research is making sure “Anyone can grow.”
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Director of LSP Service
Focuses on LSP business management, strategic planning, sales and marketing strategy and execution, project and vendor management, quality process development, and interpreting technologies
Webinar, LSPs, Clients, Prospects