Finding, qualifying, and testing translators and interpreters represents a sizable investment for most language service providers (LSPs). That challenge is even greater for the fast-growing ones, any venturing into new markets, and those starting new service lines. For most LSPs, that means adding or enhancing the vendor management function to locate, vet, and retain linguists and other specialists. Providers typically introduce vendor manager positions by Stage 2 of the LSP Metrix, CSA Research...
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Note: This blog post is not intended to provide legal advice. For clarification of your legal obligations and rights, please consult with qualified legal counsel.
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Is your company looking for ways to increase translator and interpreter efficiency, boost motivation, increase your teams’ output, and focus team members on billable work? Is simple compensation not enough? If so, maybe you need to look beyond tools, processes, and word rates to make work seem less serious by introducing something missing from translation memory tools: fun.
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