Global Customer Experience Increasingly Comes Down to Content—But Not Just in English - CSA Research > Blogs & Events > CSA in the Media > Press Releases

Global Customer Experience Increasingly Comes Down to Content—But Not Just in English

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(BOSTON) – May 28, 2015 -- How many languages do content marketers and global businesses need to reach the maximum potential number of customers online? The addressable online economic potential amounts to US$54.9 trillion, but English only gives you access to 36.5% of that total.

According to independent market research firm Common Sense Advisory’s 2015 findings, it takes a minimum of 11 additional languages, including German and Japanese, to get access 88.7% of the total online gross domestic product (GDP). Global brands aiming for 95% need 21 languages, 35 for 98%, and 48 for 99%.  Figures are given for online population by language as well and online GDP

"Customer experience increasingly comes down to content. Hypermobility among companies and consumers has raised expectations for branding and message consistency across countries, languages, and cultures.  Global companies must extend online presence to dozens of local languages. Content programs must follow, including social media and mobile applications. The big question is how to prioritize spending. This research aids budget planners and decision-makers,” explains Common Sense Advisory senior analyst Ben Sargent.

Based on population, penetration, and economic data from 195 countries and 100 online languages, the firm has published two new research reports, titled “Benchmarking the Top 100 Online Languages for 2015" and "The Rise and Fall of the Top Online Languages".

This research updates CSA Research’s proprietary metrics highlighting the fastest growing languages in the digital landscape, in terms of online population and economic gravity.  They detail which languages matter the most in terms of economic opportunity, present a framework for categorizing languages into tiers, and recommend actions for marketers.

"Marketing planners and business development executives should recognize that the greater effort entailed in translating into more languages is offset by increased benefits from expanding “world online wallet” values for each translation done,” adds Mr. Sargent.

These reports are available to members of Common Sense Advisory’s research.

About Common Sense Advisory

Common Sense Advisory is an independent market research company helping companies profitably grow their international businesses and gain access to new markets and new customers. Its focus is on assisting its clients to operationalize, benchmark, optimize, and innovate industry best practices in translation, localization, interpreting, globalization, and internationalization. For more information, visit: or

Media contact: Melissa C. Gillespie,, +1 760-522-4362.



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