For LSPs - Our Analysts' Insights

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The Size and Shape of the Language Services Industry in 2012

This year marks the seventh year that Common Sense Advisory has published estimates of the size of the language services market and its compound annual growth rate. Each time, we publish more detail than the year before, and 2012 is no exception. In addition to publishing rankings for nine different geographies (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe, Latin America, North America, and Oceania), we have expanded our global ranking to include the top 100 lan...
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What Do the 50 Largest LSPs in the World Have in Common?

Not all that much, actually. While the word “competition” always rears its head when discussing translation and interpreting, the reality is that this year’s list of the top-ranked global language service providers (LSPs) do not all necessarily compete with each other. Some are military contractors, while others focus on commercial translation. Some are specialists in telephone interpreting, while others call localization their bread and butter. In 2011, the industry has grown, not just in si...
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The World of Language Services Just Keeps Getting Bigger

Less than two short months ago, we issued a public call for participation in our annual global study of the language services market. Today, we are pleased to announce the publication of our hot-off-the-press ranking of the Top 35 language service providers -- accompanied by a few other noteworthy pieces of new research.
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