CSA Research > Blogs & Events > CSA in the Media > Press Releases
May 25, 2013
(BOSTON) May 25, 2013 -- Language services consumers constitute an integral part of the global economy. Translation buyers need more words delivered at a lower price and a faster rate. “Human-Enhanced Machine Translation,” a report released in May 2013 by independent market research firm Common Sense Advisory, shows that while human translators still produce most of the commercial translation used by global brands, the demand for more languages and higher volumes have set the stage for greater...
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Sep 01, 2012
(BOSTON, MA) – Large global companies like Coca-Cola, Samsung, and Toyota have brands that are recognized throughout the world. However, according to a new report from independent market research firm Common Sense Advisory, these companies didn’t achieve success due to their global strategy, but thanks to many strong local ones. In its latest report, “The Global Branding Myth,” the firm debunks the popular myth that global branding strategies are effective, highlighting the importance of bu...
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May 31, 2012
(BOSTON, MA) – The global market for outsourced language services and technology will reach US$33.523 billion in 2012, according to a study by independent market research firm Common Sense Advisory. In its annual industry research report, “Language Services Market 2012,” the firm details the findings of its comprehensive study, identifying 26,104 unique suppliers of translation and interpreting services across 154 countries.
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May 23, 2012
(BOSTON) – Language service providers and freelancers translate hundreds of millions of words per day; supporting global trade, diplomacy, tourism, and a host of other international and domestic multicultural activities. Advances in machine translation have enabled greater volumes of translation to take place than ever before by automating some of that content. What is the current state of human translation throughput, and can it support the demand for content that organizations would like to h...
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May 08, 2012
(BOSTON) – Translation is critical for addressing information inequalities in Africa. But could translation also improve economic development, health, human rights, and safety of the citizens of Africa? Findings from a new study reveal that the answer is “yes.”
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Apr 09, 2012
Common Sense Advisory’s survey finds customer service, branding, and market share to be the top drivers for translation among Fortune 500 companies
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Jan 31, 2012
(BOSTON) – Translation management systems (TMS) tools facilitate the rapid development, day-to-day management, and publishing of multilingual content in the estimated US$31 billion-dollar language services industry. Companies adopt TMS to address an array of challenges, but the selection process can be challenging. Now, there is a new interactive tool that enables users to quickly identify and compare TMS tools that are best-suited to meet their requirements. TMS Live!, developed by independe...
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Nov 29, 2011
(BOSTON and PARIS) – Information is power. The lack of information can leave people powerless. There are more than 2,000 languages spoken in Africa, but the majority of information is not available to people unless they speak one of the world’s few mega-languages, such as English, French, or Arabic. Now, a new study by independent market research Common Sense Advisory for Translators without Borders will explore the link between the availability of translated content and social issues that ste...
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Nov 21, 2011
(Boston, MA) – Why should you care about machine translation (MT)? It’s simply a matter of numbers. There is far too much content being created and far too few translators or money to translate it all – or even a tiny fraction of it. Independent market research firm Common Sense Advisory contends that translation automation tools such as MT promise to increase the volume and accelerate the pace of words rendered into other languages.
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Oct 07, 2011
(Boston, MA) – Ford, McDonald’s, Nestlé, and Pepsi each take a different approach to targeting the Spanish-speaking market online, but all have one thing in common. They offer content for Hispanics in Spanish as well as English. Not only do they provide Spanish for the U.S.; they provide it alongside an English version.
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