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How Official English Language Changes US Policy

On March 1st US President Trump signed an executive order (EO) designating English as the official language of the United States. This action takes the first step to reverse a decades-long federal policy of providing critical government, health, judiciary, and other services to US residents with limited English proficiency (LEP). In this brief we focus on the objective details of the EO, breaking down what was taken away and what remains.
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Automated Interpreting: A Blessing or a Curse?

Some people feel that using artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret human speech is a curse because individuals using the service could suffer harm due to mistranslations or because interpreters might lose their livelihood. Others embrace AI for all the possibilities it creates, first and foremost the ability to offer language access on a much greater scale and at a reduced cost. So which camp is right? Like so many techno-ethical questions, there is no right or wrong. It really depends on th...
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A Year of Recovery in the Language Industry – and Just About Everywhere Else

2020 disrupted nearly every human activity on the planet. The pandemic, lockdowns, and economic consequences blocked the expected growth in language services that we forecast for that year (“The Language Services Market (2021)”). In stark contrast, 2021 was a year of recovery for most of the language services and technology companies that responded to the survey for the 18th CSA Research Global Market Study. They got back on track from the pandemic body slam, optimized and rethought their busi...
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2020: A Year of Superlatives in the Language Industry

CSA Research recently released our list of the 100 largest LSPs and langtech providers, along with eight regional lists that add more than 80 firms. The rankings are based on our annual survey of more than 450 companies around the globe with revenue and business data supplied by the companies themselves and validated by their executives. Here’s a map of CSA Research’s 10 largest LSPs for 2021 – follow the lines to see the journeys of these companies over 17 years to their current positions. B...
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Language Sector Joins Global Surge to a Trillion Dollars of M&A in Q3

2020 started out with great financial momentum. The MSCI All Country World Index of large-, mid-, and small-cap stocks across 23 developed and 26 developing markets had risen almost 24% over 2018, an ounce of gold was worth 18% more than 12 months prior, and private equity groups had accumulated US$1.5 trillion in funds to invest. Businesses were primed for a stellar 2020, but by March, COVID-19 pushed most of the world to shelter in place. Companies shut down, employees were furloughed, and lif...
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Resuming Business in a COVID-19 Economy: Insight from 14 CEOs

The last few months have been tough on everyone. After a couple months of indecision, many political leaders took the advice of epidemiologists and shut down all but essential businesses. With people ordered to shelter in place, LSPs around the world operated remotely with staff working from home. Our surveys over the last few months have shown the economic impact of the resulting decreased demand and uncertainty about how long they’d be shut down.
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COVID-19’s Impact on Freelance Linguists

CSA Research surveyed freelance linguists worldwide in mid- to late April to see how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them as providers of language services. These are the overall results from the 1,228 responses received from 100 countries.
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LSP Leadership in the Time of COVID-19

With so much fear and uncertainty driven by the COVID-19 global crisis, there’s not enough information or solid data to make any reliable forecast about a global industry that serves many geographies, verticals, and applications. What we can say is that some companies will see more business, others no changes, and still others will lose clients or business. In the absence of primary data at this stage, what is certain is that leadership during the COVID-19 crisis is more critically important th...
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Employment Results and Expectations in the LSP Market

In languages worldwide, the word “recession” is being used with increasing frequency on financial news websites and Twitter. Google searches for “recession” peaked in mid-August and remain higher than at any point in the past five years. Economists have their indicators for the broad economy and CSA Research has ours for the language services and technology market. The data from our mid-year business confidence survey shows that LSPs should prepare for a potential slowdown.
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LocWorld Portugal: Snapshot of the Localization Industry

Last week, CSA Research was in Estoril: a beautiful location in Portugal for this year’s European LocWorld conference. This meet-up of buyers of language services and technology, LSPs, and technology vendors is an opportunity to share ideas and challenges, learn about inventive changes – such as through the Process Innovation Challenge, a sort of a Dragon’s Den for the localization industry - capture information, and to catch up with friends, old and new.
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