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Archive by author: Rebecca RayReturn

Director of Buyers Service

Focuses on global digital transformation, enterprise globalization, localization maturity, social media, global product development, crowdsourcing, transcreation, and internationalization

Essential Data to Support the Strategic Planning and Budgeting Season

Many readers of this blog are gearing up to work on strategy development and budget forecasting for next year – whether they work in the B2C, B2B, or non-profit sectors. To support you in that endeavor, below we provide three datapoints that will resonate with financial, marketing, and engineering executives as you present your ROI proposal for language investment.
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Global Digital Transformation: Latest Survey Results from CSA Research

What’s pushing even slower-moving companies to jump on the digital transformation bandwagon? There are several reasons, but one of the biggest is that their competition at the level of digital customer experience now includes competitors outside of their own industries in the form of Amazon, Facebook, their local equivalents, and similar companies. Prospects and customers perceive firms to be lagging behind if they don’t measure up in terms of one-click payment, voice-activation, chatbots, and...
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What Your Organization Can Learn from Apple's Trillion Dollar Market Valuation

Apple recently made headlines as it became the first U.S. firm to achieve a market value of a trillion dollars. Why didn’t companies such as Microsoft – once Apple’s fiercest competitor – beat it to the punch? Apple’s resounding success is in part due to its long-standing commitment to excellent internationalization that has allowed it to meet local market expectations since the early 1980’s.
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Six Steps to Win Buy-In for Your Localization Budget

Need help with building effective business cases and presentations that lead to increased investment to drive global growth? CSA Research recently analyzed data from 20 global companies to determine what works and what does not when making the case in front of executives. Here are six actions you can take to improve the likelihood that your next investment proposal will be accepted.
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Who's Looking Out for Global Digital Transformation?

It’s rare to go for more than 24 hours without receiving an e-mail that references “digital transformation” in some way. Organizations of all types – commercial, government, NGOs, non-profits, and educational institutions – spend a lot of time discussing the challenges and changes required by digitalization. But who’s taking responsibility for the global ramifications of these initiatives? How are companies measuring success or failure? How will global content evolve as a result? CSA Rese...
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Digital Transformation Hoopla: What's in It for LSPs?

It’s almost impossible to open one’s email or social media feed without skimming one or more messages entreating the reader to “follow the path to digital transformation” or to “recognize how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing digital transformation.” But how much attention should LSPs pay to what’s going on in this area? CSA Research recently launched an initiative to find out. In the meantime, here’s what our preliminary results show.
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Avoid a Bumpy Ride with Multilingual Support Content Migration

Moving content from one support knowledge base (KB) to another is hard enough in one language, let alone in two or more. In our recent interviews with 36 global firms about how they create and manage multilingual support content, KB migration elicited the most spirited discussions. Here are five pieces of advice from our research to improve the chances that your next migration initiative will go as smoothly as possible in one language or many.
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Voice Search: Five Tips for How to Prepare

Speech-enabled search allows people to access information much faster than they can through typing– particularly in languages such as Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese – and especially when fingers and eyes are occupied with driving or making equipment repairs.Customer expectations are already shifting as people take for granted the ability to give voice instructions to Alexa, Cortana, Siri, and their local equivalents Why shouldn’t they be able to do the same as they place product orders through ...
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Facebook's Data Scandal Underscores the Strategic Value of Content Worldwide

In addition to weighty issues related to privacy, data security, and transparency, global content is what brought Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg face-to-face with 44 members of the U.S. Senate this week. At the heart of the discussion was how the company plans to police harmful material while at the same time avoiding censorship.
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Multilingual Support Knowledge Bases: How Does Yours Shape Up?

Multilingual knowledge bases (MLKBs) are an essential component for many organizations in today’s global economy. Many companies still try to adapt their legacy word-based repository into searchable documents online. However, this is not enough to meet the agile-ized, mobile-ized, and personalized requirements of their customers and prospects. These forces, along with current strides in AI, are blowing up traditional monolingual models for digital product content delivery, which will in turn af...
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