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Platform Providers Target the Language Industry

Did you know that companies have access to subtitling in real-time or that riders can access in-app translation to enable their ride-hailing-service drivers to find them on the left corner of the intersection, rather than on the right? If not, check out what Amazon Web Services presented at the most recent LocWorld in Lisbon, Portugal. Platform providers such as Alibaba, Amazon, Baidu, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft continue pouring money and people-hours into harnessing artificial intelligence...
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LocWorld Portugal: Snapshot of the Localization Industry

Last week, CSA Research was in Estoril: a beautiful location in Portugal for this year’s European LocWorld conference. This meet-up of buyers of language services and technology, LSPs, and technology vendors is an opportunity to share ideas and challenges, learn about inventive changes – such as through the Process Innovation Challenge, a sort of a Dragon’s Den for the localization industry - capture information, and to catch up with friends, old and new.
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Sizing the Language Market

Reliable market research and industry sizing is a science. CSA Research’s annual market sizing project benefits language service and technology providers by producing reliable and actionable data they can use in their planning. Buyers of these services, whether enterprises or governmental agencies, use this data to educate themselves on the market. Investors and the media rely on it to frame and evaluate the potential of the sector.
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Are AI Deployments All They Are Cracked Up to Be?

Great content drives experience and commerce. Enterprises constantly ratchet up the amount they need, while global companies demand ever more in additional languages to offer effective customer experiences in other markets. That means language service providers have to localize more content faster than ever before. Human-centric processes can’t keep pace, so the push is on for more automation. But CSA Research finds that adoption rates for the language technologies that could help are lagging a...
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Future-Proof Your Global Content Strategy with The Language Services Market Study

CSA Research’s 15th annual survey of the language services and technology market demonstrates that new capabilities to analyze and manipulate big data in local markets will continue to push advances and new applications within AI and the machine learning that it drives. Content will continue to morph as it becomes more conversation-centric to support more and more speech-enabled products and services.
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A Sleeping Giant: The Language Industry in China Moves Forward

A major translation event few language professionals heard of occurred in Xi’an, China on April 27. Sponsored by Xi’an International Studies University (XISU)’s Collaborative Innovation Center for Silk Road Language Services, the 2019 Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Degrees in Translation conference for educators in masters of translation and interpreting (MTI) programs in China brought together approximately 600 professors and localization professionals for a day of discussion about education...
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A Quarter-Pound of Translation, Please

Anywhere you go around the world, you can find traditional sweets or candy – especially in historic towns or cities where old-fashioned sweet shops are part of the heritage, or where street markets are a big part of local life. Think salt water taffy from San Francisco, halva from the souks of Jerusalem, lokum in Istanbul, chocolates in Bruges, or licorice drops in Amsterdam. You can buy them by the pound, the ounce, the kilo, or the gram. In the UK, those who grew up before decimalization stil...
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The Next Revolution in Conference Interpreting

The glory days of globetrotting for simultaneous interpreters are slowly fading. First, remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI) eliminated some of their frequent flyer miles. The next technological disruption to the conference interpreting market – real-time on-demand language access powered by machine interpreting – will be even more momentous. The first solutions are now available for conferences and have the potential to start picking up revenue from conference organizers.
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Language Selection Roulette: How Data Builds Better Strategies

When people think of changing their lives, they might put up a map of their country or the world and throw darts at it, trusting that chance – or their favorite deity – will guide them to a better life. Unfortunately, they usually discover that this approach plants their new home firmly in the middle of the ocean or an undeveloped forest rather than a desirable neighborhood or vacation destination. However, when it comes to selecting the next language to add to a website, many enterprises do e...
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Being at Home with a TMS

Buying a translation management system (TMS) is like finding a new home. Seriously, both are big investments and exceptionally large commitments. You want to get it right.
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