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RWS Absorbs SDL – The Business Story

In late August 2020, UK-based RWS Holdings announced that it would acquire fellow UK supplier SDL in an all-share deal that valued the latter at £809 million (US$1.07 billion). This transaction will merge the fourth- (SDL) and fifth-ranked (RWS Holdings) LSPs on CSA Research’s list of 100 largest language service providers. It will shuffle the ranking of leading LSPs on our list (see Figure) – and has the potential to touch many industry participants – suppliers and buyers, both – in the lan...
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September 02, 2020| Donald A. DePalma | For LSPs, For Buyers, For Technology Vendors | |

Skyrockets in Flight, Internet Delight

A webinar audience member recently asked about a country not included in our recent “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy – B2C” survey. His question was, “Where is Algeria?” After our half-joking response – “it’s in Northern Africa, east of Morocco” – we answered seriously that the country doesn’t appear on our list of most desirable online markets for economic and technological reasons.
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Five Ways to Save Money on Video Localization

Many firms continue to ramp up for webinars, virtual presentations, and multilingual online events. If you’re on a mission to scale from two to five or even more languages for video content, managing your budget will be critical for success. Here are five actions you can take to gain potential cost savings.
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August 26, 2020| Rebecca Ray | Buyer budgeting, ROI | For Buyers | |

Writing for the World – Optimizing Your Global CX

For those who have worked within the localization industry for a while, the concept of “writing for translation” might feel old school, already-learned-and-forgotten-about: something that technical authors take for granted. Just like developers always think about internationalization of software code and processes, right? (We know how well that works!) That’s why a refresher course in how to write content in a way that optimizes the global customer experience is a really good idea – especial...
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Pivoting to Multilingual Online Events

Enterprises that were used to holding in-person events for customers, employees, partners, or investors have been taken by surprise by the social distancing rules and reluctance to travel due to COVID-19. They must figure out – and fast – how to deliver rich participant experiences in a virtual format. And that is a tall order. Many localization teams have been forced to create miracles in short time frames to transition multi-day, on-location extravaganzas to similarly engaging virtual events.
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The Science Behind Consumer Market Research

Recently CSA Research launched the third edition of our oft cited “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy” research. We originated this topic of research in 2006 and continue to provide companies worldwide with the reliable data they need to plan and execute effective international growth strategies. When you encounter data like this from us or any other source, put on your data scientist hat and ask these two questions: what is the population and is it a representative sample?
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Arabic: To Localize or Not to Localize, That Is the Question

With over 222 million Arabic-speaking web users, and an online economic opportunity of 2.5 trillion US dollars in 2020, Arabic is an attractive option for global brands. Nevertheless, it appears on far fewer sites than its potential would indicate. Part of the reason is that localizing into Arabic is not a simple task as it is not a single digital language for content marketing and customer experience. The languages used in the Arabic-speaking world for conversation, social networks, messaging, ...
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Need It or Want It? English May Be the Only Way to Get It

Consumers prefer accessing information, making online purchases, and getting technical support in their own language. That’s not a big surprise, but data from our third edition of “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy—B2C”, combined with our other research on website language support, highlights the fact that many consumers don’t have access to sites in their language, that localized websites often have major flaws, and that many must rely on English to get things they want or need.
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How Three Companies Strengthened Software Development Efforts During COVID-19

In our early-in-the-pandemic call for action by company leaders, CSA Research recommended that companies “learn from this experience and get ready now for when the crisis ends.” We echoed that advice in our report on the future of language services. Over the last few weeks we’ve been briefed by several LSPs and translation technology vendors about how they have used the slowdown to push new initiatives and projects and, as we suggested, develop new products. They said that the pandemic’s dis...
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Budget Cuts Versus the Four Rs

With no country’s economy able to predict accurately whether it’s entering a recession or cautiously rebounding, you might expect companies to be cutting back their translation and localization budgets. However, that doesn’t match our analysis based on virtual group meetings with Leadership Councils, interviews, and the results of a survey of 63 global enterprises in 19 countries that CSA Research conducted in mid-April 2020.
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