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The Global Enterprise Content Production Line

In today’s interconnected world, a global enterprise’s success hinges on its ability to produce, refine, and deliver content across multiple languages and cultures. Imagine your content creation process as a sophisticated manufacturing production line, where various components from different departments – legal, logistics, marketing, product development, support, and training – come together to create a polished, market-ready product. In this Post-Localization Era, there's a new tool in ...
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Developers: Open Windows in Your Silo to Collaborate

Partnering with localization teams to achieve internationalization compliance on time every time means working closely together – especially as your processes and theirs integrate (Gen)AI. Open an ongoing dialog with localization, testing, and design colleagues. They are sure to have other suggestions for how to close the gap between you and the multilingual products that grow out of original coding. And, if you let them, the localization team may even offer to generate your developer notes aut...
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AI Increases Collaboration Opportunities for Product Managers and Localization Teams

Whether or not product managers have direct responsibility for the international success of their products, they still want them to do well worldwide and are often held responsible for international revenue numbers. But what if they have little or no international experience, don’t understand how to build the multilingual training data required by their product, or simply lack the resources to research international markets, analyze product functionality, and beta test properly?
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Localization Opportunities Courtesy of the Titanium Economy

There hasn’t been much discussion of what the Titanium Economy might be able to learn from the localization industry – language service providers or buy-side localization teams – as it relates to easing and speeding up the globalization journeys of the firms that make up this sector of industry. Obviously, fulfilling their translation and interpreting needs is one requirement, but there are three other areas that have a much bigger influence on determining success outside of their domestic ma...
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HR in the Limelight for Localization

Businesses in general, and localization teams in particular, are under pressure to determine how quickly to transfer (new) staff to new roles or to reskill existing ones – while supporting them remotely in effective ways. This requires the HR function to be much nimbler as it’s tasked with developing the guardrails for hybrid work models to support this evolution in roles and responsibilities.
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Software Developers – Yes, You!

To put it bluntly, your latest and greatest product feature or code fix may only be applicable for a minority of your customers. If your company’s international revenue is approaching or has already surpassed 50% – but customers outside of the home market cannot use all product functions – there’s a problem. The product that you work so hard to perfect can’t be considered world-class until the world beyond your primary market can gain 100% access to features that make sense for their user e...
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MT as a Platform Service

Last August when I delivered the opening keynote at the MT Summit on “responsive MT,” one trend that I identified was the emergence of MT as a platform-level service provided by creators of enterprise ecosystems. Although this move has just started, it will be one of the biggest drivers for growth of language services in the coming years as it creates an expectation of ubiquitous multilingualism across a wide variety of services.
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When Localization Audits Aren’t Enough

CSA Research is well-known for its Localization Maturity Model™ (LMM) and Localization Maturity Assessments, based on 15 years of longitudinal data collection and analysis from observing organizational behavior around the translation and localization functions within global organizations. The LMM has enjoyed widespread usage and validation ever since its release as evidenced by its many references and adaptations throughout the localization industry. We have enhanced the original model based on...
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How to Prevent – or Fix – eCommerce Blockers for International Travelers

At last – though with restrictions – international travel is starting up again. Whether for business, vacations, or long-awaited reunions with family and friends, people are beginning to cross borders and visit locations outside their home country. This of course means these travelers will spend money on transport, lodging, food, entertainment, and other shopping – if they can! Apps and purchase processes can work well for the local resident but still fail dramatically for international visit...
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Leverage Your Localization Budget as a Strategic Tool

Delivering an integrated customer experience wherever an organization operates means more than translating your website, setting up a few servers outside your borders, and offering extended hours for customer care. It involves reviewing an array of business requirements that begin with the age-old IT mandates of reliability, availability, scalability, and security – or RAS2 for short. Enter localization teams, LSPs, and translation management vendors. Their experience pulling and pushing conten...
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