Anywhere you go around the world, you can find traditional sweets or candy – especially in historic towns or cities where old-fashioned sweet shops are part of the heritage, or where street markets are a big part of local life. Think salt water taffy from San Francisco, halva from the souks of Jerusalem, lokum in Istanbul, chocolates in Bruges, or licorice drops in Amsterdam. You can buy them by the pound, the ounce, the kilo, or the gram. In the UK, those who grew up before decimalization stil...
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Delivering multilingual products, services, and programs is just one component required to win over local audiences – and a small one at that. One of the biggest challenges – even for globally-savvy organizations – is learning how to balance some of the other more significant factors to ensure long-term success in local markets. Based on our current research into globalization maturity consisting of interviews and surveys of more than two hundred companies, here are three areas that companies...
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The glory days of globetrotting for simultaneous interpreters are slowly fading. First, remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI) eliminated some of their frequent flyer miles. The next technological disruption to the conference interpreting market – real-time on-demand language access powered by machine interpreting – will be even more momentous. The first solutions are now available for conferences and have the potential to start picking up revenue from conference organizers.
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Our preliminary review of the survey responses to CSA Research’s annual Global Market Study focused on the 195 largest companies in our Top LSPs™ rankings. The results show that a majority of these market leaders increased their revenue over the previous year with the same or higher profit margins.
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When people think of changing their lives, they might put up a map of their country or the world and throw darts at it, trusting that chance – or their favorite deity – will guide them to a better life. Unfortunately, they usually discover that this approach plants their new home firmly in the middle of the ocean or an undeveloped forest rather than a desirable neighborhood or vacation destination. However, when it comes to selecting the next language to add to a website, many enterprises do e...
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Soliciting referrals and recommendations is an important sales technique that LSPs should pursue – whether or not they have a dedicated sales force. Yet even proactive referral requests aren’t enough to grow your business sustainably. Every provider needs a healthy supply of pre-qualified prospects to increase its chances of securing new sales. How LSPs find qualified leads varies from one company to another. What works? What doesn’t? Based on 497 responses in a recently published report, CSA...
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One of the most common questions that we field at CSA Research is the evergreen topic of how to convince doubtful executives to fund language investment at optimum levels. Whether it’s a new CEO facing multiple urgent initiatives or the yearly race for resources, localization managers and directors must approach their function as just another business process that their companies monitor, measure, and improve. Being an effective manager requires winning the contest with other functions for budg...
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Buying a translation management system (TMS) is like finding a new home. Seriously, both are big investments and exceptionally large commitments. You want to get it right.
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CEOs in every kind of company often observe that they have the loneliest job. Shared experiences with people who work for them are limited because of internal politics and because they must deal with issues that no one else in their organizations face. CEOs periodically meet with their boards of directors or management, but those sessions often reinforce the singular position that the CEO occupies. In esoteric sectors like language services, CEOs must manage an array of process, technology, and ...
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The Holy Grail of the language industry has been to standardize the transfer of jobs between the various tools and content management systems – and thus improve the outcomes. Linport, the latest initiative in this area, was born as the Container Project in 2011 at the final meeting of the Localization Industry Standards Initiative (LISA). Despite early promise, Linport has yet to make major inroads into the language industry. Other prospective standards, such as Translation Web Services from OA...
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