The rising frequency of discussions about AI has led to much unease among interpreting service providers about the impact of automated solutions on language access and on what that means to the future of their profession. In this blog, we explore the concept of meaningful language access, why automated interpreting struggles with that concept, and how it relates to deciding and defining the role of the interpreter.
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It’s the end of 2023 and, rather than contemplating a bright and happy new year, many enterprise localization groups are looking at another year of austerity measures. Through most of 2023 they told us they were either holding steady on spending or cutting it. Here’s the rub though: By saving a bit on language services now, they may block substantive contributions to revenue in order to save comparatively small expenses. In this blog we review why this penny-wise approach could be pound foolis...
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Some people feel that using artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret human speech is a curse because individuals using the service could suffer harm due to mistranslations or because interpreters might lose their livelihood. Others embrace AI for all the possibilities it creates, first and foremost the ability to offer language access on a much greater scale and at a reduced cost.
So which camp is right? Like so many techno-ethical questions, there is no right or wrong. It really depends on th...
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November 20, 2023
Hélène Pielmeier | Artificial intelligence,
Customer experience,
Customer support,
Industry news,
Interpreting technology,
Technology adoption,
Automated Interpreting | For LSPs,
For Buyers,
For Technology Vendors |
While the goal for project management has long been full automation (“lights-out”), few organizations achieve it – not for translation nor interpreting services, neither at LSPs nor enterprises. Many teams have tools and processes in place to enable touch-free workflows, yet our research demonstrates a huge gap between “we have the system” and “we are using it.” While some organizations use lights-out processes for a vast amount of translation work – even most of their projects – genera...
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Every CEO knows they must develop three core elements to business management: a mission statement that explains the fundamental purpose of their company, a vision statement that plots a destination for their business, and core values that represent the fundamental beliefs and principles defining the company and its culture. Executive teams will commonly invest significant time developing these elements, even hiring consultants or advisors to help them. Yet, once satisfied with the results, these...
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In the streaming adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation sci-fi novels, Synnax became a water planet due to overmining of its volcanic vents. In Waterworld, the melting of the polar ice caps submerged most of planet Earth. In both cases, as sea levels rose, dry land came to be in ever shorter supply – as were food, potable water, biodiversity, and economic activity other than subsistence fishing and piracy. People migrated in search of life essentials or safer havens. Language, culture, and li...
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Are you an expert project manager or interpreting scheduler? We need to talk! Project management – the shepherding of work from request to delivery, ensuring all the correct criteria are met, and in a timely manner – is not specific to the localization industry. In every area of work, from construction to international shipping, a project manager (PM) plays a leading role in satisfying customers, whether in daily personal contact or acting behind the scenes. These individuals – and the projec...
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A common worry about generative AI (GenAI) is that the content that it creates may be subject to copyright claims. Our recent survey of freelance linguists reflected this concern: Copyright issues are their second most important concern with GenAI, with 74% viewing the technology negatively or strongly negatively in this regard. However, an examination of claims about copyright and how GenAI works reveals a different picture. This blog post covers details about how the technology works with its ...
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During our research into multimedia localization – and all the new AI-enhanced tools that are sprouting up like toadstools after summer rain – we found many new offerings, some good or excellent, and many not-so. Startup companies with an excellent product may struggle with business processes and strategies; some are already leaders in a brand new field, unimagined a year ago; but too many others are aiming to get-rich-quick based on a worldwide appetite for tools that make everything possible...
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Will GenAI enable LSPS to become strategic global content service providers (GCSPs)? We first described the evolution of GCSPs in “The Language Services Market: 2017” report and introduced it to our CEO Leadership Council members at the Boston Summit in 2018. In this blog we discuss the journey that some of our clients have been taking toward this new role despite the obstacle of procurement departments commoditizing their value to the price per word. One critical question remains – will tech...
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